The residue of Service of Sade (RSS) is resultant of activities exerted in the services defined in the article 1 of RDC ANVISA N. 306/04, that, for its properties, they need procedures distinguished in its handling, commanding or not previous treatment to its final disposal. on most websites. The present article consists of a revision of literatures on the importance of the correct management of the hospital garbage, as objective specific to take the knowledge to the picture of employees of the surgical, obsttrico center and the center of after-anesthetical recovery (CRPA) of a hospital of the west, on the correct management of the hospital garbage, front to the prevention and control of hospital infections among others assignments, as well as sensetizing the involved team how much to the impact and risks of the inadequate handling of the residues produced for its processes of work, as well as guiding its correct discarding. This interventivo work was of the type observacional and description carried through in the period of curricular period of training II in the surgical, obsttrico center, center of recovery after-anaesthetic (CRPA) and central office of sterilization material (CME) of a Hospital of the West of the Bahia..