Organizacional Psychology

Another great one influences in the taylorismo was the logical positivismo. A group of intellectuals, influenced for the ideas of Frege in the logic and Wittgenstein in the philosophy; they had undertaken critical conceptions of classic science and the philosophy: the knowledge alone can be acquired when submitted the experimental criteria of quantified order, it is not enough to reflect on definitive problem, what it interests is to know if this problem can be reduced to a logic question (formal) technique or mathematics. The analyses of the phenomenon of the work happen directly on vises of world, therefore it is in the work that the individual acquires its ideology, everything this due to controlled and rationalized activity of the actions of it (the citizen), and is in these circumstances that the division of the work exerts fort influences, through the systematization of the work; this analyzes of the work perpassa for all the social history of the Europe from the industrial revolution, the tayloristas techniques had been established in the intention of to make possible this form of enxergar the work instrumentally, moreover, they had served of criterion of landmark between good and me the administration. Epistemologicamente had been sketched important conceptual lines of direction in history, that guide today until the form of if deciding problems of organizacional nature (Organizacional Psychology, Sociology of the Organizations, mechanization, amongst others), however, the main objective is to demonstrate where ratio these methodologies had entered in the script of solutions conceived for Taylor, and until point its principles represented advances in the understanding of the organizations and to know if the principles they possess a level of reasonable applicability capable to give account in the diverse ways of as the half organizacional can behave. The supremacy of the empirismo on the too much forms of boarding represents the possibility of if establishing an integrated projection of the component factors of the logic of an organization, namely: the cycle of a reasoning, that &#039 starts with the impressions gotten for the analysis; ' racional' ' finally culminates in the practical efetivao of these impressions. .
