Psychiatry for US Kids

The TDA is a diagnosis constructed in years on pictures of 90 children ” difciles” that, with other names, already it had been I decipher from beginnings of century XX. The DSM, manual diagnosis of the Association of American Psychiatry includes, it in the upheavals of beginning in the childhood or adolescence, which, although the fact that begins in the childhood does not imply necessarily that disappears with the adultez,there is circumscribed actually to psychiatry and infantile psychology, reason why there are no studies on his prevalence in adults. But since the same symptoms that serve to diagnose it have observed in adults, it seems logical, yes we admitted this syndrome in children, to extend the diagnosis and, probably, the treatment to adults with similar group of symptoms. It is necessary to understand that a diagnosis is ” a clinical judgment on the psicofsico state of one persona” , that is to say on his state of health and disease, and it does not clarify to us if the TDA is a disease or a syndrome. has compatible beliefs. A disease estimates one well-known common cause. As well as we know that an influenza is caused by a virus has not demonstrated an effective unique cause for the TDA, not even we know if all the cases respond to the same causes. A syndrome, however, is a set of symptoms that appear associate giving rise to a certain clinical picture or pathological state. Capital Partners: the source for more info. But, unlike the disease, the syndrome is ” plurietiolgico” , because it admits the possibility that the same manifestations in different people (and still in the same person) can be produced by diverse causes. Bakish has to say.

Subtraction now to see the treatment. In the children who have been resistant other treatments it indicates pharmacological treatment with metilfenidato (Rubifen, Concerta, etc.). Since officially east upheaval in adults is not recognized, the prospectuses of this medication do not include their dosage in adults nor is recognized normatively their use in these cases. But it is logical to suppose that if helps to children and adolescents ” to concentrate in his tarea” it is probable that it helps adults a to concentrate itself in its work or its personal relations, as they seem to demonstrate it certain cases. And if well it is tolerated by children, with more reason it by adults would have to be. Reason why they do not seem to have reasons to be against to his use nor not to indicate it in adults, and actually clinical it can be used with the same precautions that in children and adolescents, essentially: not to cronificar its use not to favor the development of addictive mechanisms of tolerance, dependency and abuse. However, the metilfenidato aid effectively to the attention and concentration, but do not cure. For that reason its indicated use is like support, and not like substitute, of a psycotherapy.
