Russian Construction

The older generation is more conservative and prefer traditional stone and wooden houses. However, I believe that frame houses less quality than wood or brick, it would be wrong. The minimum cost of construction of a frame house (excluding cost of land, summarizing communications, finishes) – $ 400 1m2. Average price – 700 euros. Home stand out from the material "Ekoreks-bar, which is also used in frame house construction (instead of basalt poured cellulose" ekovilla).

This material is environmentally friendly and nonflammable, but quite expensive -1200 euro per 1 m2. In the future, frame house building, along with wood and stone, will be more familiar to the Russians, and will take the market niche. Sergey , manager of the suburban real estate of "Alexander": The increasing popularity in the market of country building win-frame houses. Their main advantage is the high rate of construction: unlike brick, wood, concrete houses, the erection of which required from one year to several years to produce a frame house – from order to fully prepared – takes 3-4 months, and the mounting frame is carried out for only 1-2 weeks. The project is the future home is calculated on a computer, which ensures that all its elements fit much better than conventional construction. Frame the future of the house, which is typically made from wood, treated with special drugs for burning and rotting, and had already built a wooden house from inside the sealed steam protection films.

Thanks to these measures, the house takes durability and can stand up to a hundred years. The undoubted advantage frame house is the design flexibility that allows you to implement the most ambitious construction of fantasy. Frame houses are built on the foundations of light that is ideal for a shaky foundation of the Leningrad area. Varying the parameters of heaters used in the construction permit to build the house for any climate zone. In addition, this design provides an ideal surface, and internal communications hidden in the wall, which is important for finishing work. The cost of frame houses ranging from expensive, the cost of which includes a variety of moisturizers, e-cleansing recuperative setting up efficient options, which provide an independent painting and decorating. But do not save on a future home: buying the "favorable" unscrupulous builders offer, you can get a house, which fall apart after a year of operation. Because of the prevailing stereotypes – a reliable house should be built of brick or stone – frame construction is not developing as rapidly as we would like. Gradually, however, it becoming increasingly popular, primarily because it is the best tool for the execution of a common dream customer: "This house would be – yes on this site!". So many customers like the separate sections and separately at home and liked to buy the site to several years to build a house on it for too long. Frame the same technology allows to build on any areas of any home in the shortest possible time.
