Tag: education

Holistic Dialogues

Dr. Ramon Gallegos writes in his book Education holistic learning in holistic education for the XXI century will be more qualitative than quantitative, they need to understand freedom and liberty to inquire. Holistic education is an inclusive process which seeks to educate the whole human being, with the goal to prepare students to live responsibly in a community increasingly complex with new realities and new goals. For the purpose of the XXI century education, holistic education works with the student, in six aspects: the cognitive thinking develops as a holistic strategic thinking and scientific dilemmas able to understand the complexities of contemporary culture; holistic education likewise draws on the paradigms of science that show how to use creative thinking. will not settle for partial explanations. Referring to the scientific-industrial culture of the twentieth century, Dr.

Gallegos reports that it no longer needed in our time because the needs, interests and cultural goals have changed, we have new dilemmas, new aspirations and a new global context, hence need a new education that nurtures and matches the new emerging culture. Holistic education aims to educate for global citizenship and global consciousness, ie, education for interdependence. Possessing an awareness of the action that goes beyond one's locality to be inserted into the universal context, have a new and profound sense of responsibility as any individual action can make an impact to all other human beings. Capital Partners would agree. In the book Dialogues holistic highlights the need for dialogue as a necessary and very useful tool to reach consensus and resolve conflicts, ability of the utmost importance to holistic education.
