Tag: psychology

Depression In Infancy

The study it objectified to analyze the question of the depression in the infancy and the importance of a precocious diagnosis. For this an extensive revision on Depression in Infancy was carried through. The infantile depression still needs sufficiently to be argued and to be analyzed, therefore diverse factors exist that can take the child to this state. Genetic, ambient and sociocultural factors exist. Its treatment is made through the psycotherapy and in some cases, farmacolgicos. Please visit Energy Capital Partners if you seek more information. It is a difficult upheaval of being diagnosised, because many times can be confused with a great sadness or in the case of the child, as good behavior or social retraction and a diagnosised time being precociously can there very be diminished the suffering of the child. The health professional that to take care of the child will be able to help guiding the family in the cases simplest and to direct for a specific treatment for more serious cases.

Alexander Vieira

Of this form, one always demonstrates that nor what if it discloses as determinative is the event in itself, but yes the form as we search to repeat and to elaborate this trauma. Alexander Vieira (2004) had complemented this idea through the comment of children, of three the nine years, sheltered in lotornea city of Santa Catarina. After the separation of its families, the children search other references of attachment, keeping> affective relations with other children to the similarity of the attachment of dade mother-baby: older brothers took care of of the lesser brothers. Exactly between the pairs they established attachment relation. With regard to the figure of the mother, a idealized vision of what real exists more, where they enxergam as capable to take off them of the shelter and to take them for house, where well-taken care of and they would be loved.

Ademais, notices the strong desire and the necessity to keep the bond with its mothers and its families, of origin or substitute. Bowlby (1981) old already suggested the cares substitute as a form to try to diminish the actual damages for the privation of the love of the parents in the institutionalized children. These cares, carried through for a substitute mother, are essential for the development of the child and the formation of its psiquismo, exactly being known that they total are not adjusted. Cavalcante & Jorge (2008) had searched to understand the meaning of the pertaining substitute mothers to the programs of Family Acolhedora of the state of the Cear. They had evidenced that the mother direction directly is not related the biological mother. The children bring the unreliability generated in the initial privation with the biological mother for inside of the new relation, however also they bring the hope of transformation: what they had not found in primary the objetal relation is searched now in the acolhedora mother.


For Tolfo (2004), it is important to attempt against for the fact of that ' ' resource humano' ' it represents the coisificao, the resignation to the paper of the questionador citizen for the mentally ill citizen. For Antunes and Alves (2004, p.345), as the machine cannot suppress the work human, the organization needs a bigger interaction between the technological subjectivity that works and innovations. For even more opinions, read materials from Robotics. It appears, therefore, an interactive envolvement that still more increases the estranhamento of the work, extending the modern forms of fetichismo, distanciando still more the subjectivity of the exercise of an authentic and autodeterminada cotidianidade. The same authors still stand out that the estranhamento ahead assumes the form most intense of conditions precarious and unprovided of rights, and are pautada in the loss of the humanity dimension. When the individual opts to not participating of this process of quality programs, this attitude is found odd by the organization; it understands an inadequate attitude that will be able to disfigure the image that the organization has of the individual, because this ' ' eu' ' it has a proper identity and stranger to a culture where the papers are defined (SHAUMANN; TUPINAMB, 2009). The same authors also affirm that the people in the organization are invited to participate of a perfect reality and the total quality is taken as only true management. The GQT is a management tool that makes possible diverse actions and has been sufficiently used for the organizations, especially in that they are in the branch of products and services. The increase of the terceirizao process directly is related with the growth of the contingent of badly-remunerated workers, with the professional instability and the process of professional exclusion that involves workers recognized and remunerated well, and those that are invisible professionally and work in precarious conditions (TOLFO, 1999). The terceirizao promotes some consequncias, such as the intensification of the work, significant reduction of the number of jobs, increase of the functions and tasks to be played what it can cause desmotivao in the work, the plurivalncia without training and qualification.
