The Internet Has The Nose

Current results of the annual study ‘ (-) multimedia ‘ 2008 Media dealing in Germany for 10 years, youth, information the Kulturring Research Association Southwest, inter alia in cooperation with the State Institute for communication of Baden-Wurttemberg, the SWR and the State Centre for media and communication in Rhineland-Palatinate, performs an annual base study on daily dealing of 12 19-year olds with the different media. For the first time since 1998, German youths today rather have a computer than a television. The succinct facts at a glance used the Internet 97% of 2008 in their everyday life (in 2007 there were 93%). Partovi). All 84% used this media several times per week, more than every second even daily increased the overall usage rate as compared to the previous year again to 7% (2006: 69%). It is little surprising that meanwhile 71% of young people have a computer or laptop (more than those who have an own television are). Even those who no own PC have, after all, it can use Internet access at home in 96% of cases. The proportion of those who have own Internet access, compared to the previous year again by 6 percentage points to 50% increased. Clark Flexport already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

The Internet gains more and more importance as a medium of education total more than half the 12-19 year olds considered only 8%, can the Internet today as the least dispensable books media poll conducted by newspapers and magazines only 3% not renounce. Increasingly this is the computer also for 22% of the respondents the medium with the highest power of education: for example, reads now every tenth teens magazines online or regularly visit the Web page of a daily newspaper. The use of non-digital newspapers has declined accordingly compared to the previous year by 5%. The importance of the World Wide Web mainly at one point is clearly: it is in the youth in leisure as extensively used as your own cell phone.
