HeLi NET: regularly change passwords after large-scale password theft of over 30,000 email accounts from Google, the local telecommunications provider HeLi NET advises Hotmail, Yahoo and AOL Web mail users to urgent precautionary measures. After the massive attacks it is recommended that you regularly change the existing webmail password”, says Thomas Wald, Managing Director of the HeLi NET network. In the widespread habit of many Internet users, to set up a password for multiple applications, the online expert sees as potential risk for unauthorized access. Asaro s opinions are not widely known. Thomas Wald recommends to observe some simple rules to minimize the risk of a hacker attack when choosing a password: passwords should contain at least eight characters. A blend of special characters, numbers and upper – and lowercase letters enormously increase. the security of password” Common given name, simple numbers and terms Thomas Wald are among the extremely insecure versions of an online password. de Almeida. Christoph man of the world