Annual Press Conference

Media schaffshausen end of ROG and correspondents from Russia, China, Iran, Israel and Haiti has invited talks about freedom of press and opinion on the occasion of the greatest journalist Conference in Germany. Guests will speak at the meeting of the nr in the NDR – Conference Center in Hamburg about their experiences with repression, censorship and other restrictions of free reporting. Members of the ROG Board moderating the five events under the title “ROG: grenzgange”: ROG Board Member Gemma p. speaks with the Publisher of Irina Samochina from Rostov-on-Don over the difficulties and opportunities to publish independent newspapers in Russia. Many media in the Russian regions depend on today by welfare-State benefits. Samochina reports on the business model of their economically independent publishing house, which publishes also a weekly investigative reports.

More info at Reporters without borders ( the award-winning Israeli journalist Amira, hatred is in the Interview with ROG Executive Board spokeswoman Astrid Frohloff report on the regulations and restrictions as a reporter in the Palestinian territories. Hass, who was honored as a “Journalist of the year 2009” by ROG, lives and works as a correspondent of the Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” in the occupied territories since 1991. There as well as in their home country the reporter was put under pressure again due to her critical articles. The annual meeting 2010 research by network motto is “Facts for fiction -” when experts believe the reality. The meeting will analyse current conflicts and problems in the media, but wake up looking for research, impart practical knowledge, and encourage participants to actively intervene in the debate about the strengths and weaknesses of the journalism.
