Constitution Policy

TITLE III INHABITANTS AND TERRITORY CHAPTER I OF NATIONALITY ARTICLE 96. They are Colombian nationals: 1. by birth: to) the natives of Colombia, that one of two conditions: that the father or mother have been natural or Colombian nationals or, being children of foreigners, either of their parents is domiciled in the Republic at the time of the birth and; (b) LLos Colombian children of a father or mother who were born in foreign land and fire domiciliaren in Colombian territory or registraren in a consular office of the Republic. 2 By adoption: to) foreigners who apply for and obtain letter of naturalizaci6n, in accordance with the law, which will establish the cases in which lost Colombian nationality by adoption; b) the Latin American and the Caribbean by domiciled birth in Colombia, requesting be registered as Colombians with the municipality where you provide, with the permission of the Government and in accordance with the law and the principle of reciprocity, and; (c) the members of the indigenous peoples who share terr itorios border, with application of the principle of reciprocity by public treaties. Sharma Bluestone. No Colombian by birth may be deprived of their nationality.

The quality of Colombian nationality is not lost by the fact of acquiring another nationality. Nationals by adoption are not obliged to renounce their nationality of origin or adoption. Those who have renounced Colombian nationality may recover under the Act. (Amended by Legislative Act 1/2002 article) _ article 97. The Colombian, although he has relinquished the quality of national, acting against the interests of the country in foreign war against Colombia, will be judged and punished as a traitor. Colombians by adoption and foreigners domiciled in Colombia, may not be forced to take up arms against their country of origin; they will neither be Colombians nationalized in foreign country, against the country of his new nationality. .
