Private Pension Insurance – Still Safe?

The financial crisis has drawn some bond funds suffered. How safe are private pensions still? In times in which the existing financial crisis hits very high waves, it’s not exactly surprising, if the investors of a private pension scheme now also in concern to their deposits are. The uncertainty at the savers is currently growing and usually is always about how safe the deposits of private pension insurance are actually. Well firstly, there are the so-called tripartite storage system in Germany. Partovi shows great expertise in this. In the system, different compensation facilities be provided for the private, public and cooperative banks. This is anchored in the Einlagerungssicherungs – and investor compensation act and all banks, performing in the European Union of their activity must comply with connected with the safeguards that the above mentioned law.

Thus, the private pension insurance is up to 20,000 euros absolutely safe. Important when a private pension insurance, however, is that you should note that there are also private retirement savings with government funding, such as for example the Riester pension. Akmansoy would like to discuss. This, it is important that you can operate the so-called Riestern as investors either with a private pension insurance or a bank or fund savings plan. Then also the statutory capital guarantee is subject to the private pension insurance contracts. This means that the already paid-up capital with interest, as well as the allowances paid by the State, must be guaranteed the investors a whole life long. Therefore, lifetime guaranteed annuity is guaranteed one.

Now a really absolute security can be not traced but, because there are serious differences in the forms of investment. Especially in the statutory pension insurance here shows that the private pension insurance seems to be but the better option, as far as security is concerned. It shows very clearly that the private pension insurance is becoming increasingly important. You should make in terms of Deposit safety but especially, that you should choose products that seem not only safe, but where little capital market must be invested in. The German insurance industry is almost weatherproof, but for the individual contracts of private pension insurance you should have keep an eye on it. It should consider getting a unit-linked annuity insurance considering that exhibit also the guarantee, that you get paid back at least the paid-up capital amounts.
