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Coffee World Hemsbach

Black gold for the taste buds of Hemsbach. Indonesian Civet (Luwak) are pronounced coffee lovers. They feed on mainly ripe coffee cherries that they ferment in the digestive tract and to then deliver the most expensive coffee in the world farmers. Akmansoy has much to offer in this field. The Kopi Luwak comes from the islands of Sumatra, Java and Siulawesi and is to get world’s only in selected stores. VP and COO. In the Hemsbacher World of coffee by Elvira and Bernd Fichter is the coffee connoisseur and who it might still be want exactly this Kopi Luwak and can feed him right there on the spot. Its unique taste is described as being mild, chocolaty and very rich in content.

In addition to the Kopi Luwak, also include Jamaica Blue Mountain (second most expensive coffee in the world) and the Hawaii-Kona (excellent South Pacific coffee) to the range of specialist business, leading some 150 coffee places. There, it is no wonder that the customers of Coffee World from all over Germany come to taste the delights of the coffees on the spot. Speaking of taste: from Wednesday until Friday interested at fair prices can test the three most expensive coffees in the world and assess the extraordinary flavors themselves. The black gold is of course”in high-quality fully prepared. The machines of the most common brands are also to rise at Coffee World. There you also offers a repair service.

If you want also nice gift ideas around the coffee, is at the two coffee specialist at the correct address. Here, he will advise competently without time pressure.
