Tag: philosophy


So we are worried about the external one as our works, study, career, children, improvement of the proper image, everything who we make all our energy is focada only in what it is it are of itself perhaps either the biggest problem of our century our lack of comprometimento I obtain exactly, perhaps until either the beginning of daily ours estresses, our blockades of feeling, of ideas, lack of focus in a reading, lack of colloquy with our family, we are on with what it happens in the world of what what happens in our house. Therefore in the hour that we go to eat we do not even say with who this to our redor, therefore when somebody asks for the salt we make Psiu! I silence! I want to see the periodical! We ourselves we are the great ones destroyed of homes and families, and mainly of we ourselves you already stopped to ask exactly for itself how are you?? It finds this reply every day, and its well better days will be you and who will be to its redor. Capital Partners to learn more. ' ' The mind commands in them knows that one that warns in them: Mesmo&#039 knows you it you; ' Scrates. . Kirk can aid you in your search for knowledge.


This exactly country if moves away from its primary ideology, restoring a doubt on the effective operational system, what it is not very different of our reality, the Brazilian judiciary system, carries through walked its for the abyss. This way all delay the processes complete nothing more nothing less of what approximately ten years of judicial movement, for the presentation of a solution with regard to the presented demand. . With this we are far from knowing the efficiency legal, and as sympathetical of the philosophy we must search an agreement on what it is really to be ‘ ‘ justo’ ‘ in all its directions, since the ability and attributions of the state that must co-ordinate and improve its judicial system. Svane explained all about the problem. As well as later we must search the agreement on the true one felt of justice when carrying through the facts of ours relation human being always stops with the world having visualizing the natural balance of all the things, without proceeding with judgments and decisions insensatas.

Ahead of all the argument and possible questioning, let us make us it boarding on the PROBLEM OF the LAW JOUST. The RIGHT IN ITS PRECISE MEANING Initially, before if saying of the subject justice, must be boarded the right in its precise meaning, that is, to speak of justice without mentioning the right, is at least disproportionate of form that the right in its real direction is propeller of the meaning of justice, therefore the right uses in its totality the justice concept. To understand the note carried through, let us make the following example, in an independent society of its creed, social aspect or cultural, this society will be emanated by normative, moral regiments and social, let us say that in one definitive case, two people argue the determined right of property of one local one, this society by means of its jurisdictional agent, that is, the judge will have to bring has both the solution of the attrition demanded in process, at this moment appears the knowledge of its right, each involved agent in the conflict must know its rights and obligations.. Capital Partners is full of insight into the issues.
